cello opalware



Cello Air Cooler Tag line :- Ab Turbo Cooling se Milegi dur dur tak Thandi hawa

Best Features of Cello Air Cooler :-

  • Turbo Cooling
  • Efficient surround Cooling
  • Low Wattage Consumption
  • Also Works on Invertor
  • Honeycomb Cooling
  • 3 Way speed control
  • Can be Used inside or Out
  • Super Efficient 3 Side Cooking Media
  • Powerful Air throw
  • With Pump Protection Technology

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    How many types of air coolers are there?

    Image result for Types of air cooler

    There are four main types of air coolers namely Desert air coolers, Personal air cooler, Tower air coolers and Window air coolers. Let us now take a look at these air cooler types in detail.

    Which is best air cooler or AC?

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    An air conditioner circulates the internal air of the room over and over again, whereas an air cooler pulls fresh air from outside and then cools it down. Also, air cooler doesn’t make the air overly dry like an air conditioner. Because of the way it operates, an air cooler offers better quality of air for your room

    Which cooler is best iron or plastic?

    A Metallic air cooler can bare more heat as compared to plastic one. Suppose you’ve kept a plastic cooler in open space during summer for any function or occasion it will not able to throw cool air for a long time as it’s plastic gets hot itself.

    How many hours we can use air cooler?

    We advise that you refill your personal cooler after it operates for an approximate period of 4 to 6 hours

    Can I use air cooler without water?

    How does Air Cooler Work Without Water? Direct evaporation is used in both residential and industrial state shift coolers, which are described by an inside metal or plastic box with ventilated sides. A centrifugal fan or blower drives the air, and a water pump wets the evaporative cooling pads

    What are the disadvantages of air cooler?

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    8 Disadvantages of using Air Cooler | Will it cause Asthma?

    • Fails to work in Humid Conditions.
    • High Fan speed not comfortable.
    • Fails to work in Poor Ventilation.
    • Daily change of water.
    • Malaria carrying Mosquitoes can spread.
    • Not as powerful as Air conditioner.
    • Noisy.
    • Not suitable for Patients with Asthma.

    How do I choose a cooler?

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    Before choosing an air cooler, you should consider some of the important aspects such as the size of your room, the height of the room, the temperature outside, the water capacity, humidity, and most importantly, where will the air cooler be placed. Also you should look for the throwing distance that a cooler has

    Can I use air cooler in closed room?

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    You can use your air cooler just like a fan in a closed room by turning off its water pump. If you are thinking of using an air cooler in a closed room then it is advisable that you use it just like a pedestal or table fan.

    Is air cooler high in electricity?

    Go check them out! Winner: Electric Fan. It uses just about half as much energy that an air cooler needs. However you should also take into account the different level of cooling performance that an air cooler does that warrants the higher energy consumption.

    Which cooler is best fiber or steel?

    Invariably steel body coolers are more efficient than the plastic body coolers as they are fitted with comparatively bigger cooling pads. People sometimes prefer plastic body desert coolers for their better looks and zero possibility of rusting.

    Which is better room cooler or desert cooler?

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    Climatic Conditions – While Desert Coolers are more effective in arid areas and dry and sun-baked climates, Room Coolers work well even in slightly humid weather.

    What is difference between desert cooler and normal cooler?

    It is essentially used to provide cooling to an individual. So be it your study room or office cabin, Crompton personal air coolers are undoubtedly a great fit. Whereas, desert coolers are usually stationary and are perfect for huge bedrooms, drawing hall or any room with wider space

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