Milton Pro Cook Granito Induction Kadhai 24 cm
Featuring Granito Induction Kadhai with Lid which has 4 layer food-grade non-stick granite coating. The lid helps to retain the warmth within, which makes the food cook faster. That is ideal to cook delicious meals, vegetables, fry papadums, samosas and cook world-class curries. It comes with premium soft-touch Bakelite handles ensuring comfortable grip. Best possible to make use of on medium heat with minimum oil or buttercream for the ones into healthy diet.
4 Layer Food Grade Non-Stick Granite Coating with scratch and wear-resistant and high hardness, enhances durability and cooking performance Premium Soft touch Bakelite Take care of, Bakelite is poor conductor of heat so would not burn even if exposed to high heat The non-stick coating requires less oil and designed to continue to exist your day-to-day use, Best possible for high heat with minimum oil or buttercream for the ones into a healthy diet Borosilicate glass lid with for clear glass view. Suitable for cooking on induction, Gas, Tough and durable. Light weight with PTFE, PFOA free
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