Ganesh Strainers Catalogue | Ganesh colander

Manufacturers of Kitchen Strainers, Atta Sieves, Puran jali, Dish Cover, Colander Kitchen Basket, Net Cover

Brand :- Ganesh

Brand Category :- Home and Kitchen – Kitchen Strainers

Types of Ganesh Products:-

  • Kitchen Strainers
  • Soup Strainers
  • Mesh Colander
  • Frying Zara
  • Frying Basket
  • Dish covers
  • Maida Sieves
  • Atta Sieves
  • Juice Strainers
  • Coffee Strainers
  • Tea Strainers
  • Green Tea strainers
  • Flour Strainer
  • Etc

Ganesh Strainers provide kitchen strainers like tea strainers, soup strainers, colander(fruit basket) and flour strainers in different shape and sizes

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    Taj Stainers

    What is a colander most commonly used for?

    A colander is a kitchen utensil that is primarily used to rinse vegetables or strain foods such as pasta. The bottom is perforated, which allows for water or liquid to drain through while holding on to the solids inside

    What is colander made of?

    Traditionally, colanders are made of a light metal, such as aluminium or thinly rolled stainless steel. Colanders are also made of plastic, silicone, ceramic, and enamelware. The word colander comes from the Latin colum, meaning sieve.

    How do I choose a colander?

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    If you choose a metal colander, make sure that there are plenty of holes, particularly in and near the base. Look for colanders with feet that will hold the base of the colander an inch or two above the bottom of your sink, so that the water will drain away easily

    How do you make a strainer?

    Image result for what are kitchen strainer made of

    Create the perfect strainer by stretching a clean pair of pantyhose or tights over a large mixing bowl. You can also cut off one of the feet, stick some herbs inside, and tie it shut for a spice pouch. Toss the pantyhose in the wash when you’re done and reuse it again and again.

    What is the difference between strainer and colander?

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    A strainer is really a catchall name for any type of, well, strainer. It is usually fine mesh and bowl-shaped, good for rinsing a pint of berries or draining pasta. A colander is typically a larger bowl-shaped strainer, often with bigger holes (although that’s not always the case

    What can I use as a food strainer?

    If you don’t have a strainer, there are a few ways to strain the water from your pot without losing any food.

    • Tongs.
    • Slotted Spoon.
    • Lid.
    • Cheesecloth.
    • Coffee Filters.
    • Bandana.
    • Pantyhose.
    • Fine Mesh Bag.

    Is a sieve the same as a strainer?

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    In cooking, a sifter is used to separate and break up clumps in dry ingredients such as flour, as well as to aerate and combine them. A strainer , meanwhile, is a form of sieve used to separate suspended solids from a liquid by filtration.

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