On this Page you will find Complete Details of Sellers : Home & Kitchen Directory Sellers Details

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Section Title


Home & Kitchen Directory Sellers Details | Contact Information of Sellers

Contact Information

Address of the Seller :-
WhatsApp Number :-
Zip/Post Code /Pincode :-

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General Section

Your Shop Name / Firm Name / Company Name: *
Category | Brand or Products You Sell "Compulsory to Fill": *

Contact Information

Zip/Post Code /Pincode :-: *
Address of the Seller :-: *
    WhatsApp Number :-: *
    Calling Number :-:

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    All Registered Dealers Details will be shown on every Brand Page so that Customer can Contact You Directly || सभी पंजीकृत डीलरों का विवरण प्रत्येक ब्रांड पेज पर दिखाया जाएगा ताकि ग्राहक आपसे सीधे संपर्क कर सकें

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    About Us

    Now the Big Question how theconnection.in will help ?

    We are helping to combine both the benefits of online and offline.

    First :- A customer can compare & check out all the brand and all their products and Select the product. A customer will scroll down on the product or brand page and then can find all the sellers of that brand or Product at their local pincode and can directly contact to the sellers free of cost.

    We Describe our website as the Brand Specific Sellers Directory, where we bring all the Brands of Home & kitchen category and all their Sellers be it a manufacturer, a Distributor, a Dealer, a Retailer all at one Place.

    We Do not Distinguish between the Sellers as per their category and we show all of the sellers with a filter option of pincode.

    Customer can Choose with all the benefits of online buying and Directly contact their Local Dealers of the Product or brand and Procure the product with all the benefits of offline buying

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