DANDY LINES | Tag Line :- The Quality of a Leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves
Range of Products offered by Dandy Lines
- Tea Sets
- Coffee Set
- Cup & Saucers
- Tea for One
- Milk Mugs
- Medium Mugs
- Small Mugs
- Bowls
- Tumblers
Dandy Lines Products Catalog PDF
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Amazing Facts
Why does porcelain mean?
Porcelain is one of the very fine material ceramic range .Porcelain is a hard, shiny substance made by heating clay. It is used to make delicate cups, plates, and ornaments.
What is an example of porcelain?
Porcelain is a nearly translucent ceramic material used to make plates, bowls, and cups. The dishes at a fancy restaurant are often porcelain, a fine, delicate kind of china. Sometimes knickknacks, dolls, and art objects are also made from porcelain.